Saturday 16 March 2019


In this video DIY tutorial I show you an easy way to make the purse bag by own hands from scratch


Enjoy the top 10 best men's hairstyles tutorials compilations for 2018.

Best Documentary 2017 - Documentaries - Antarctica Secrets Beneath The I...

best documentary 2017 - petra :ancient advanced technology forbidden archeaology best documentary 2017. Best Documentary 2017 The Men and Women Who Live The Rural Life Of British BBC Download Now [58 Minutes 18 Seconds]
Download youtube to mp3: Best Documentary 2017 Prison Sexuality Behind Bars Documentary HD7

Portugal v Spain - 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ - MATCH 3

Cristiano Ronaldo stole the show with a spectacular hat-trick to ensure that Portugal and Spain shared the spoils in Match 3 of the FIFA World Cup.


Friday 15 March 2019

10 Min DIY Tote bag made with unused Jeans

A tote bag you can make with an in-used Jeans in less than 2o minutes. No special skills needed. With just Basic cutting and sewing skills needed

Easy Everyday Side Puff Hairstyle : How to Put Pins for Long Lasting Puf...

Easy Everyday Side Puff Hairstyle : How to Put Pin for Long Lasting Puff Hairstyles

Hi Girls! A puff always makes you look beautiful. So we choose puff hairstyles more. Here I have recreated puff hairstyle inspired by Divyanka Tripathi (Ishita Bhalla) with a technique on how to put bobby pins for a long lasting puff or how to keep your hair puff stay for long. Putting pins in Way that I shown and adding a hair setting spray plays a major role to keep your puff as it is all day long.

THE SECRET OF ANTARCTICA - Full Documentary HD (Advexon) #Advexon

Almost three miles of ice buries most of Antarctica, cloaking a continent half again as large as the United States. But when an Antarctic ice shelf the size of Manhattan collapsed in less than a month in 2002, it shocked scientists and raised the alarming possibility that Antarctica may be headed for a meltdown. Even a 10 percent loss of Antarctica's ice would cause catastrophic flooding of coastal cities unlike any seen before in human history. What are the chances of a widespread melt? "Secrets Beneath the Ice" explores whether Antarctica's climate past can offer clues to what may happen. NOVA follows a state-of-the-art expedition that is drilling three-quarters of a mile into the Antarctic seafloor. The drill is recovering rock cores that reveal intimate details of climate and fauna from a time in the distant past when the Earth was just a few degrees warmer than it is today. As researchers grapple with the harshest conditions on the planet, they discover astonishing new clues about Antarctica's past—clues that carry ominous implications for coastal cities around the globe.


Old English abutan, earlier onbutan "on the outside of," from on (see on) + be "by" (see by) + utan "outside," from ut (see out(adv.)). By 13c. it had forced out Old English ymbeymbutan for meaning "in the neighborhood of." Abouts, with adverbial genitive, still found in hereabouts, etc., probably is a northern dialectal form. About face as a military command (short for right about face) is first attested 1861, American English.

What's that book about?
film about the Spanish Civil War
We were talking/laughing about Sophie.
He's always (going) on about what a great job he's got.
I'm worried about David.
I really don't know what all the fuss is about.
wish you'd do something about (= take action to solve the problem of) your bedroom - it's a real mess.
uk informal Could you make me a coffee too while you're about it (= while you are making one for yourself)?
What didn't you like about the play?
There's something about her attitude that worries me.
There's something special about him (= in his character).
"Is that your car?" "Yes, what about it?" (= Why are you asking me?)



